My MKVI Legion Tactical Marines 8

MKVI Legion Tactical Marines

1 year ago
Chipping and highlights completed. Not much left on this one :)
Max Max - 1 year ago
They look great. I am afraid you will finish the whole box in November :)
NoerdicPainter NoerdicPainter - 1 year ago
Just finished 20 Marines ;) Altough nearly all other models are partly painted, i think i will have around half a dozen or so unfinished until december ;)
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
2 years ago
Image of the Model MKVI Legion Tactical Marines  by NoerdicPainter
Name MKVI Legion Tactical Marines
Brand GamesWorkshop
System Warhammer 30k
Tags GamesWorkshop, Warhammer 30k, Warhammer The Horus Heresy,
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The MKVI Legion Tactical Marines Pile of Shame:

User Models: 197
Models painted: 61
Dice given: 268
NoerdicPainter NoerdicPainter
Models 381
Painted 244

Pile of Shame from NoerdicPainter